Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4th Measure To Legalize Pot

The 4th measure to legalize possession, smoking, growing, transporting and cultivating marijuana in California has started collecting signatures as of today, March 25, 2014.
Backers have until Aug. 18 to submit enough signatures to qualify the measure for the state's November ballot.
504,760 valid signatures are needed.
The following is how I feel about Marijuana use ...
Too many people smoke pot because they like it and not because they need it medically.
It is easy to get a license to smoke the stuff in California.
Just tell a doctor your stressed and you get a marijuana license.
It's a joke.
I know a few people who have smoked pot for years and I have watched them become paranoid, forgetful, angry at times over nothing and on and on.
Talk to some and it's like the lights are on but no one is home.
The thing is that they don't see the changes, but others do.
Marijuana is a drug that should not be legal.
Also, it smells awful and I am sick of smelling it around Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.
I have a right to be smoke-free and not have it around me.
Marijuana use should only be for people who medically need it and not for the excuse of getting high.
Close down the shops and keep possession of pot a crime.
We have enough brain-dead loonies in California as it is.

George Vreeland Hill

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